ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
IZennoPosterProjectModel Interface
Members  Example 
Represents a model of current project. Performs access to global variables, local variables, tables, profile, lists. Contains methods for sending messages of warnings and errors to program's log.
Object Model
IZennoPosterProjectModel Interface
public interface IZennoPosterProjectModel 
The object of the IZennoPosterModel interface get access to major data of ZennoPoster's project.
The following example demonstrates using IZennoPosterModel interface. In this example local variable project is object of IZennoPosterModel interface. Variable "project" has access to data of current project.
// get global variable by name "MyGlobalVariable" from namespace "MyNamespace"
IGlobalVariable gv = project.GlobalVariables["MyNamespace", "MyGlobalVariable"];
// get local varible by name "MyLocalVariable" 
ILocalVariable lv = project.Variables["MyLocalVariable"];
// get list by name "MyList"
ILists list = project.Lists["MyList"];
// get table by name "MyTable"
ITables table = project.Tables["MyTable"];
// set new login to profile
project.Profile.Login = "NewLogin1234";
// get nick from profile
string nick = project.Profile.NickName;
// get global variable by name "MyGlobalVariable" from namespace "MyNamespace"
$gv = $project->GlobalVariables->get_Item("MyNamespace", "MyGlobalVariable");
// get local varible by name "MyLocalVariable" 
$lv = $project->Variables->get_Item("MyLocalVariable");
// get list by name "MyList"
$list = $project->Lists->get_Item("MyList");
// get table by name "MyTable"
$table = $project->Tables->get_Item("MyTable");
// set new login to profile
$project->Profile->Login = "NewLogin1234";
// get nick from profile
$nick = $project->Profile->NickName;

Target Platforms: Desktop: Windows XP SP3 and older. Server: Windows Server 2003 and older.

See Also


IZennoPosterProjectModel Members
ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.ProjectModel Namespace
IGlobalVariable Interface
ILocalVariable Interface
IZennoTable Interface
IGlobalVariables Interface
ILists Interface
ILocalVariables Interface
IProfile Interface
ITables Interface
ProfileSex Enumeration
VariableGroupTypeV4 Enumeration

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