ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
IZennoPosterProjectModel Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IZennoPosterProjectModel.

Public Properties
 PropertyContextGets a context of the current project.  
 PropertyDirectoryGets the directory of the project file.  
 PropertyEnvironmentGets information of the current envirovment.  
 PropertyGlobalVariablesGet a collection of global variables that can be accessed by namespace and name.  
 PropertyJsonGet dynamic object for Json.  
 PropertyLastExecutedActionElapsedTimeGet an information about last executed action elapsed time (ms).  
 PropertyLastExecutedActionIdGet an information about last executed action ID.  
 PropertyListsGet a collection of lists that can be accessed name.  
 PropertyLogOptionsGets the options of the execution log of the project.  
 PropertyNameGets the name of the project.  
 PropertyPathGets the directory of the project file with terminating.  
 PropertyProfileGet a profile of current project.  
 PropertyProxyRulesGets the proxy rules for the current project.  
 PropertyTablesGet a collection of tables that can be accessed name.  
 PropertyTaskIdGets the id of the task.  
 PropertyVariablesGet a collection of local variables that can be accessed name.  
 PropertyXmlGet dynamic object for Xml.  
Public Methods
 MethodExecuteMacroExecutes macroses in text and returns result.  
 MethodExecuteProjectExecute ZennoPoster project.  
 MethodGetLastErrorGet a last error after project failed.  
 MethodSendErrorToLogOverloaded. Send an error message to the log of ZennoPoster.  
 MethodSendInfoToLogOverloaded. Send an information to the log of ZennoPoster.  
 MethodSendWarningToLogOverloaded. Send a warning message to the log of ZennoPoster.  
See Also


IZennoPosterProjectModel Interface
ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.ProjectModel Namespace
IGlobalVariable Interface
ILocalVariable Interface
IZennoTable Interface
IGlobalVariables Interface
ILists Interface
ILocalVariables Interface
IProfile Interface
ITables Interface
ProfileSex Enumeration
VariableGroupTypeV4 Enumeration

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