ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
IGlobalVariables Interface
Members  Example 
Represents a collection of global variables that can be accessed by namespace and name. Provides methods to set value.
Object Model
IGlobalVariables Interface
public interface IGlobalVariables 
This interface can be used in action OwnCode (C# or PHP) of ProjectMaker.
The following example uses property GlobalVariables of "project" for getting and setting value of global variable, also create a new global variable.
// get global variable by namespace and name
// variable "gv" object of interface IGlobalVariable
IGlobalVariable gv = project.GlobalVariables["MyNamespase", "VariableName"];
// change value of global variable
gv.Value = "ChangedValue";
// create a new global variable and set value
project.GlobalVariables.SetVariable("MyNamespase", "NewVariableName", "NewValue");
// get global variable by namespace and name
// variable "gv" object of interface IGlobalVariable
$gv = $project->GlobalVariables->get_Item("MyNamespase", "VariableName");
// change value of global variable
$gv->Value = "ChangedValue";
// create a new global variable and set value
$project->GlobalVariables->SetVariable("MyNamespase", "NewVariableName", "NewValue");

Target Platforms: Desktop: Windows XP SP3 and older. Server: Windows Server 2003 and older.

See Also


IGlobalVariables Members
ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.ProjectModel.Collections Namespace
IGlobalVariable Interface

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