ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
ReplaceElement Method

Type: Zennolab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement

The html element to replace all occurrences of oldElement.

Type: Zennolab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement

The html element to be replaced.

All occurrences of a specified html element in the current document replace with another specified html element.
public void ReplaceElement( 
   HtmlElement newElement,
   HtmlElement oldElement



Type: Zennolab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement

The html element to replace all occurrences of oldElement.


Type: Zennolab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement

The html element to be replaced.

The IsNull property be true if the html element does not belongs to any document.
The following code example demonstrates ReplaceElement method. Also the following code uses InsertElement method.
// get document
Document doc = tab.MainDocument;
// find first element
HtmlElement he1 = instance.GetTabByAddress("page").GetDocumentByAddress("0").FindElementByAttribute("input:checkbox", "fulltag", "input:checkbox", "text", 0);
// find second element
HtmlElement he2 = instance.GetTabByAddress("page").GetDocumentByAddress("0").FindElementByName("rad");
// if both elements are exist then replace he1 to he2
if (!he1.IsVoid && !he2.IsVoid) doc.ReplaceElement(he2, h1);
// get document
$doc = $tab->MainDocument;
// find first element
$he1 = $instance->GetTabByAddress("page")->GetDocumentByAddress("0")->FindElementByAttribute("input:checkbox", "fulltag", "input:checkbox", "text", 0);
// find second element
$he2 = $instance->GetTabByAddress("page")->GetDocumentByAddress("0")->FindElementByName("rad");
// if both elements are exist then replace he1 to he2
if (!$he1->IsVoid && !$he2->IsVoid) $doc->ReplaceElement($he2, $h1);

Target Platforms: Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Seven

See Also


Document Class
Document Members
HtmlElement Class

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