ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
Document Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Document.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBodyGets the body of the document.  
Public PropertyDisplacementInTabWindowGets the displacement of the upper left corner relative to the tab's window.  
Public PropertyDomainGets the current domain of the document.  
Public PropertyErrorDetectedGets information about the error detected in the performance last command.  
Public PropertyFirstChildGets the first child element of the document.  
Public PropertyFormsGets all forms of the document.  
Public PropertyHeadGets the head element of the document.  
Public PropertyHeightGets the height of the document.  
Public PropertyIsNullGets a value that indicates whether or not the value of the document is null value.  
Public PropertyIsVoidGets the specified document is void or not.  
Public PropertyMainDomainGets the current main domain of the document.  
Public PropertyMainFormGets the first form the document.  
Public PropertyParentTabGets parent tab of the document.  
Public PropertyURLGets the URL of the document.  
Public PropertyWidthGets the width of the document.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEvaluateScriptExecutes a java script that is implemented by the currently loaded document.  
Public MethodFindElementByAttributeSearches for an element by the attribute, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByIdSearches for an element by the ID, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByNameSearches for an element by the name, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByTagSearches for an element by the tag.  
Public MethodFindElementByXPathSearches for an element by the xpath.  
Public MethodFindElementsByAttributeSearches for all elements by the attribute.  
Public MethodFindElementsByIdSearches for all elements by the ID.  
Public MethodFindElementsByNameSearches for all elements by the name.  
Public MethodFindElementsByTagsSearches for all elements by the tags.  
Public MethodFindElementsByXPathSearches for all elements by the xpath.  
Public MethodGetDomTextReturns the dom text of the document.  
Public MethodGetElementFromPointReturns the html element located at specified coordinates.  
Public MethodGetFramesReturns the all frames.  
Public MethodGetPageTextGets the text of the document that the user sees  
Public MethodRemoveElementRemoves the first occurrence of a specific first level child html element from the document.  
Public MethodReplaceElementAll occurrences of a specified html element in the current document replace with another specified html element.  
See Also


Document Class
ZennoLab.CommandCenter Namespace
Tab Class
HtmlElement Class
Instance Class
DocumentCollection Class

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