ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
FindElementByXPath Method (Tab)

Type: System.String

XPath for search the element.

Type: System.Int32

The document's address.

Searches for an HTML element by the xpath, and returns the first occurrence.
public HtmlElement FindElementByXPath( 
   string xpath,
   int number



Type: System.String

XPath for search the element.


Type: System.Int32

The document's address.

Return Value

Type: Zennolab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement

The first element that matches the conditions defined by the name, if found; otherwise, the result is void.

If html element was not found then this method returns the HtmlElement object in which IsVoid or IsNill property is "true".
The following code example demonstrates uses of the FindElementByTag method.
public static int Execute(Instance instance, IZennoPosterProjectModel project)
    // clear cookie
    // go to lessons.zennolab.com
    Tab tab = instance.ActiveTab;
    if ((tab.IsVoid) || (tab.IsNull)) return -1;
    if (tab.IsBusy) tab.WaitDownloading();
    tab.Navigate("lessons.zennolab.com", "");
    if (tab.IsBusy) tab.WaitDownloading();
    // find element by xpath
    HtmlElement he = tab.FindElementByXPath("/html/body/div/div[@class]", 0);
    if (he.IsVoid) return -2;
    return 0;
public static function Execute($instance, $project)
    // clear cookie
    // go to lessons.zennolab.com
    $tab = $instance->ActiveTab;
    if (($tab->IsVoid) || ($tab->IsNull)) return -1;
    if ($tab->IsBusy) $tab->WaitDownloading();
    $tab->Navigate("lessons.zennolab.com", "");
    if ($tab->IsBusy) $tab->WaitDownloading();
    // find element by xpath
    $he = $tab->FindElementByXPath("/html/body/div/div[@class]", 0);
    if ($he->IsVoid) return -2;
    return 0;

Target Platforms: Desktop: Windows XP SP3 and older. Server: Windows Server 2003 and older.

See Also


Tab Class
Tab Members
FindElementByAttribute Method
FindElementById Method
FindElementByName Method
FindElementByTag Method
FindElementsByAttribute Method
FindElementsById Method
FindElementsByName Method
FindElementsByTags Method
FindElementsByXPath Method
GetElementFromPoint Method

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