ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
ZennoLab.CommandCenter Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The ZennoLab.CommandCenter namespace contains classes for working with Instance and web elements. This namespace contains classes of documents, tabs, html elements and instance. Also contains collection for html elements and documents. Provides management of the ZennoPoster.
ClassCommandTransferEvent Событие CommandTransfer
ClassDocument Represents a document on a Web page. Contains the methods to search for html elements, gets or sets of values.
ClassDocumentCollection Represents a strongly typed list of documents that can be accessed by index.
ClassHtmlElement Represents an HTML element on a Web page. Contains the methods to search for html elements, gets or sets of values​​.
ClassHtmlElementCollection Represents a strongly typed list of html elements that can be accessed by index.
ClassInstance Represents a browser's window of ZennoPoster
ClassPhpHelper The special class for synchronization in php code.
ClassPluginItem Represents a plugin item in ZennoPoster browser in navigator.plugins collection
ClassPluginMimeType Represents a mime type for plugin item in ZennoPoster browser in navigator.plugins collection
ClassTab Represents a tab of browser. Contains the necessary methods and properties for working with tabs instance.
ClassZennoPoster Represents a set methods to recognize captcha, working with mail, instances, etc.
ClassZennoPoster.Db Represents a set of methods to access database.
ClassZennoPoster.Sms Represents a set of methods to access SMS service API.
InterfaceIZennoCustomCode Defines methods that allow you to run execution of code in ZennoPoster
InterfaceIZennoCustomEndCode Defines methods that allow use the GoodEnd and BadEnd methods via code.
See Also


ZennoLab.CommandCenter Assembly

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