ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
Tab Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Tab.

Protected Fields
Protected Field_zpID  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllDocumentsGets the all uploaded documents.  
Public PropertyDomainGets the current domain of the tab.  
Public PropertyDomTextGets the dom text of the tab.  
Public PropertyErrorDetectedGets information about the error detected in the performance last command.  
Public PropertyHandleGets the handle of the browser window.  
Public PropertyIsBusyGets the specified tab is busy or not.  
Public PropertyIsInteractiveGets the specified tab is interactive.  
Public PropertyIsNullGets a value that indicates whether or not the value of the tab is null value.  
Public PropertyIsPreCompleteGets the specified tab is pre-complete.  
Public PropertyIsVoidGets the specified tab is void or not.  
Public PropertyLastAlertTextGets the last alert text of the tab.  
Public PropertyLastAlertTitleGets the last alert title of the tab.  
Public PropertyMainBodyGets the main body of tab.  
Public PropertyMainDocumentGets the main document the current tab.  
Public PropertyMainDomainGets the current main domain of the tab.  
Public PropertyMainPageArticleGets the text of the main page article.  
Public PropertyNameGets the name of the tab.  
Public PropertyNavigateErrorDetectedGets information about the error detected in the performance last navigation.  
Public PropertyNavigateTimeoutGets or sets the timeout of page loading.  
Public PropertyPageTextGets the text of the page that the user sees.  
Public PropertyTitleGets the title of the tab.  
Public PropertyURLGets the URL-address of the page the current tab.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloseCloses the tab.  
Public MethodDragDropPerforms the drag and drop events inside tab.  
Public MethodDropFileDrop file to the page.  
Public MethodFindElementByAttributeOverloaded. Searches for an HTML element by the attribute, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByIdSearches for an HTML element by the ID, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByNameSearches for an HTML element by the name, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByTagSearches for an HTML element by the tag, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementByXPathSearches for an HTML element by the xpath, and returns the first occurrence.  
Public MethodFindElementsByAttributeSearches for all HTML elements by the attribute.  
Public MethodFindElementsByIdSearches for all HTML elements by the ID.  
Public MethodFindElementsByNameSearches for all HTML elements by the name.  
Public MethodFindElementsByTagsSearches for all HTML elements by the tags.  
Public MethodFindElementsByXPathSearches for all HTML elements by the xpath.  
Public MethodGetCharsetGets the charset of the tab.  
Public MethodGetDocumentByAddressSearches for a document by the address.  
Public MethodGetElementFromPointReturns the HTML element located at specified coordinates.  
Public MethodGetPagePreviewGets preview of page.  
Public MethodGetSourceTextReturns the text of the page that the user sees.  
Public MethodKeyEventPerforms the key event inside the current tab.  
Public MethodMouseClickPerforms the mouse click event in specified point inside the current tab.  
Public MethodMouseMoveOverloaded. Performs the mouse move event in specified coordinates.  
Public MethodMouseWheelPerforms the mouse wheel event in specified point inside the current tab.  
Public MethodNavigateNavigates to a resource identified by a URL with specified referrer.  
Public MethodRiseEventRise specified event in the rectangular area.  
Public MethodSetActiveSets the current tab as active.  
Public MethodSetCharsetSets the charset to the tab.  
Public MethodSetSourceTextSets the text of the page that the user sees.  
Public MethodStopStops downloading of the page.  
Public MethodSubscribePageLoadingSubscribe javascript code to DOMContentLoaded event on page.  
Public MethodWaitDownloadingWaits downloading of the page.  
Public MethodWaitInteractiveWaits until the status changed to interactive.  
Public MethodWaitPreCompleteWaits until the status changed to PreComplite.  
See Also


Tab Class
ZennoLab.CommandCenter Namespace
Instance Class

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