ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
DisplacementInDocument Property
Gets the displacement of the upper left corner relative to the parent document.
public Point DisplacementInDocument {get;}

Property Value

Type: System.Drawing.Point

The point of the upper left corner.

This property displays the coordinates relative to the parent document. These coordinates are not always equal DisplacementInTabWindow.
The following code example uses the DisplacementInDocument property.
using System.Drawing;
// find element
HtmlElement he = tab.GetDocumentByAddress("0").FindElementByAttribute("input:checkbox", "fulltag", "input:checkbox", "text", 0);
// get displacement in document
Point point = he.DisplacementInDocument;
use System\Drawing;
// find element
$he = $tab->GetDocumentByAddress("0")->FindElementByAttribute("input:checkbox", "fulltag", "input:checkbox", "text", 0);
// get displacement in document
$point = $he->DisplacementInDocument;

Target Platforms: Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Seven

See Also


HtmlElement Class
HtmlElement Members
DisplacementInTabWindow Property
Height Property
Width Property

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