ZennoLab Assemblies Documentation
MouseMove(Int32,Int32,Int32) Method
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ZennoLab.Emulation Assembly > ZennoLab.Emulation Namespace > Emulator Class > MouseMove Method : MouseMove(Int32,Int32,Int32) Method

Type: System.Int32

The handle of the window.


Type: System.Int32

The x coordinate relative to the window.


Type: System.Int32

The y coordinate relative to the window.

Glossary Item Box

Moves the mouse to a specified location in the window with specified handle.


public static string MouseMove( 
   int handle,
   int x,
   int y



Type: System.Int32

The handle of the window.


Type: System.Int32

The x coordinate relative to the window.


Type: System.Int32

The y coordinate relative to the window.

Return Value

Type: System.String

The answer with information about the success of the current command's execution. If current command was successful then this answer is "ok"; otherwise message describing the error.


The following code example demonstrates uses of the MouseMove method.
C#Copy Code
// find the html element
HtmlElement he = instance.ActiveTab.FindElementByTag("input:submit", 0);
// check the element
if (!he.IsVoid)
    // move the mouse to the html element location
    string result = Emulator.MouseMove(instance.ActiveTab.Handle, he.DisplacementInTabWindow.X + 10, he.DisplacementInTabWindow.Y + 10);
    if (result == "ok" && !Emulator.ErrorDetected)
        // wait a little bit
        // perform the click
        result = Emulator.MouseClick(instance.ActiveTab.Handle, MouseButton.Left, MouseButtonEvent.Click, he.DisplacementInTabWindow.X + 10, he.DisplacementInTabWindow.Y + 10);
        if (result == "ok" && !Emulator.ErrorDetected) return "All done";
        return "Mouse click failed";
    else return "Mouse move failed";
return "Element not found";
PHPCopy Code
// find the html element
$he = $instance->ActiveTab->FindElementByTag("input:submit", 0);
// check the element
if (!$he->IsVoid)
    // move the mouse to the html element location
    $result = ZennoLab\Emulation\Emulator::MouseMove($instance->ActiveTab->Handle, $he->DisplacementInTabWindow->X + 10, $he->DisplacementInTabWindow->Y + 10);
    if ($result == "ok" && !ZennoLab\Emulation\Emulator::ErrorDetected)
        // wait a little bit
        // perform the click
        $result = ZennoLab\Emulation\Emulator::MouseClick($instance->ActiveTab->Handle, MouseButton::Left, MouseButtonEvent::Click, $he->DisplacementInTabWindow->X + 10, he->DisplacementInTabWindow->Y + 10);
        if ($result == "ok" && !ZennoLab\Emulation\Emulator::ErrorDetected) return "All done";
        return "Mouse click failed";
    else return "Mouse move failed";
return "Element not found";


Target Platforms: Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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